Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dead in the water

Well I don't normally us the wheel lock on my bike. Last night I thought I would. The fine folks at Suzuki give you two options for this. One you turn the wheel and use your key to lock the wheel. The other (i didn't know about) you turn the key just a little further and it not only locks the wheel but it turns on the flashers. So now I have a dead bike. So thinking ahead I have roadside service (ernie) coming to jump the bike. Slow start, but it could be much worse. So I'll just relax and wait for Ernie. I have about three hundred miles to the mountains so should be fine.
I'm not sure how I'm doing as far as if I'm on pace out not, I'll just keep going and let that work it self out. I feel like I'm ahead, but then again I'm not moving.

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